Cherish All Lives
I disagree with the Black Lives Matter movement on just about everything, but I admire their brilliant choice of a motto. They've picked something that no one could possibly disgree with. Of course black lives matter! But what does that mean? Well, it was started in reference to police killings of blacks, so it must imply that we have to cut down on that. But how? Defund the police? That doesn't follow, and it's far from something everyone would agree with. Somehow, however, people who agree that black lives matter find themselves swept up in the defund the police movement. And since police obviously aren't going to be totally defunded, they start thinking about what else they can do to stay on the right side, the safe side. That begins by putting "black lives matter" on all their web sites and telling people that we must do more to stop racism -- which is quite a jump from the bland assertion that black lives matter. Saying "black lives matte