A Path to Repatriation
I have ambivalent feelings about the desirability of strict limitations on immigration to America. I have no ambivalence about people who violate laws that are already passed: it is wrong, and it ought to be dealt with. Granting illegal aliens an amnesty just because they have come here in such numbers that we can't deal with them seems like a poor excuse for public policy. If amnesty is inevitable (I'm not sure that it is, but if), then we should make it difficult. The illegals should have to reside in an ambiguous probationary state for a long time, say 10 years, paying taxes the whole time. Any criminal conviction would void the amnesty and require immediate repatriation. Even this, however, doesn't seem very onerous compared to what legal immigrants have to go through. I heard an excellent suggestion (hat tip: Joe Thomas at The Afternoon Constitutional ) that illegal aliens might be granted a path to citizenship only on the condition that they would admit that