Beyond the Laws (A Nation of Laws, pt. V)
There is another side to imposing the least possible burdens on citizens: namely, the citizens themselves have to behave in the most reasonable possible manner. That's vague, so let me pose it in the form of a mathematical thesis: any sufficiently unreasonable citizenry requires a despotic government. In other words, the more willing people are to violate the law, the more despotic the government must be. There can be no legal remedy for a people that will not obey laws in general. You can tighten the laws and increase the punishments, but that is precisely what you are trying to avoid. If people will not obey some laws, those laws could be adjusted; but if people will not obey laws in general, there is no solution beyond changing the culture of the society. People are inclined to obey laws that they think are just (see " Why People Obey Law ," which I have not read but it looks interesting). But it is not sufficient if people only obey laws that they agree wi